Under Construction: Big Wooden Blocks for a Resort Home

A huge block of solid bangkirai wood used as fence post and tounge and grooved wall in between. To match this, the outdoor ceiling is also covered completely with tounge and grooved planks.
Merbau Flooring

These properties making merbau popular for various uses including hardwood floor, offers hard and durable real wood flooring with a tranquil, elegant patterns.
Our merbau flooring is top coated with 11 layer UV-cured Aluminum Oxide Finish, with orange-peel look surface.
We have two selections:
Delivery is always free within East Java region, and our professional wood flooring installers are ready to provide excellent service at your luxurious properties.
Bangkirai vs Ulin

Bangkirai takes the advantage, with the same properties, durability and good supply, it gains popularity very quick, it is more economical and cost less than its contender.
Bangkirai can be used for various garden articles or light uses and heavy duty job such as bumper for barge, harbor deck and many more.
A Natural Termite Resistant Wood

Read the full report here.
Merawat Lantai Kayu: Penting Untuk Bagian Terpenting

Satu hal yang terpenting ketika pemilik rumah memutuskan untuk menggunakan lantai kayu sebagai bagian dari kehidupan sehari-harinya, adalah cara memperlakukan lantai kayu tersebut.
Kayu adalah salah satu elemen yang memiliki sifat alami, cantik dan design tekstur yang abadi. Dengan merawatnya secara konsisten dan benar, maka sifat-sifat positif tersebut bisa terus dipertahankan.
Dengan mengikuti beberapa cara merawat lantai kayu dibawah ini, anda harus siap mendapatkan lirikan dan pujian dari keluarga dan teman saat mereka mampir ke rumah anda, hingga bertahun-tahun kemudian.
- Letakkan keset kaki/sepatu/sandal di setiap jalan masuk ruangan yang berlantai kayu untuk menahan penyebaran pasir atau kerikil yang terbawa oleh alas kaki. Partikel-partikel mungil ini bersifat abrasif dan perlahan menggores finishing lantai kayu. Hindari keset yang alasnya terbuat dari karet atau keset yang tidak berventilasi. Gunakan keset khusus untuk lantai kayu, dan bersihkan secara rutin.
- Gunakanlah penyapu dan pengepel yang berkualitas baik secara rutin untuk mengusir debu, pasir dan partikel lain.
- Vaccum cleaner juga baik untuk digunakan untuk menghisap partikel yang tersembunyi.
- Gunakan produk khusus pembersih lantai kayu untuk membersihkan noda atau tumpahan cairan lain tanpa membuat lantai kayu menjadi kusam.
- Lantai kayu yang finishing-nya menggunakan poly-urethane, membutuhkan pembersih yang tidak meninggalkan residu dan tidak mengandung bahan wax (lilin).
- Untuk titik yang terkena noda lengket, bersihkan dengan kain berbahan handuk atau sponge basah.
- Jangan gunakan pembersih dengan amonia atau sabun berminyak, karena akan mengakibatkan permukaan lantai kayu menjadi kusam.
- Karena sifat kayu yang mengembang ketika terlalu lembab, maka hindari penggunaan pel kain yang terlalu basah. Bila terlalu basah, lantai kayu dapat menggembung hingga timbul keretakan atau perubahan bentuk.
RBH WoodPro's Beech Solid Wood Floor

Why going with wood floors?
Let's hear what NWFA have to say about wood flooring:
"No other flooring offers the warmth, beauty, and value of wood. Wood flooring enhances the décor of any room, and provides timeless beauty that will increase in value throughout the years. In fact, in a national survey of real estate agents, 90 percent said that houses with wood flooring sell faster and for higher prices than houses without wood floors. That’s money in your pocket!"
WoodPro's Wood Floor is made of beech wood, imported from North America, which is also one of the most popular hardwood flooring materials. Engineered to precision, our wood floors are made of 100% real wood, no veneer or vinyl whatsoever, from top to the most bottom. All solid wood. This means more durable, beautiful, easy maintenance and most importantly creates a stunning look for any home. Only natural woods enjoy an innate variation in grain patterns and color.
WoodPro's Wood Floor comes with two sizes of parquet tiles: 15 x 15cm and the mozaic 30 x 30cm. Both creating a beautiful checkered pattern.
WoodPro's Wood Floor comes in custom colors with PU coating finish for durability, scratch resistant, and easy maintenance.
Like any other wood floors, WoodPro’s is affordable. Over time, wood floors maintain their value. When other flooring options are looking tired and worn out, wood floors will still look beautiful and timeless.
Wood floors are ecologically friendly. Since it is a natural resource, wood is both renewable and recyclable. Many of yesteryear’s old wood ships , warehouses, barns, and other structures often find a second life in wood flooring. And, because wood does not collect dust and other allergens, many leading health associations agree that wood floors are the perfect choice for a healthy home.
Price installed is Rp. 65.000 per square meter (excluded supporting materials).
Now that's what we call affordable for everyone. So why wait, WoodPro's Beech Wood Floor has better quality than "fake hdf flooring" or "veneer/engineered flooring" for a lot less than both.
DIY Specials: Mini Deck Tile with Plastic or Wooden Base
Plastic base has interlocking connectors on sides, therefore it is also suitable for indoor and bathrooms, while wooden base deck tiles are perfect for terrace or walkways. Both are providing true DIY's attitude: install instantly and enjoy.

A Line of Deck: Klub Kelapa Gading Poolside Cafe
We chose 19 x 90 mm reeded decking, and for framing was 5 x 8 cm V-grooved joist, all using bangkirai type of timber.
With gaps of 3-4 mm, the deck creates a simple but yet a dramatic result. The deck is raised 8 cm above ground with open sides.
Installation was pretty simple and straightforward. A team of two decking installers covered the whole area in total of 5 days.
The deck was finished using teak oil to preserve its beautiful yellowish color and to add up more strength and durability.

Exceptional Grade Decking for Luxury Lakeview Home

Outdoor Sand Fun: Sand Box with Roof

Infact, young children can learn a great deal through play with sand.
WoodPro comes with great solution with very easy sand box for

The sand box is made of durable bangkirai hardwood with lead-free colorful painted finish or option of natural wood color smooth sanded finish to match your beautiful existing backyard deck.
With affordable price starting from Rp. 249.000, the sand box can be a very smart gift for your children.
SandBox Size
Square: 120cm x 120cm x 25cm
Hexagonal: Ø 150cm x 25cm
Roof Height: 150cm
Accessories: SandBox Cover, Side Bench
Call us now at: 62-31-7002-4772 for special offer and free shipping within Java and Bali.
Lumber Terms and Definitions
These are need to know terms that are used in lumber world.
..and Better: Usually abbreviated "&Btr", indicates that lumber so graded contains a specified percentage of pieces that are of a higher grade than the lowest acceptable grade.
Appearance Grade: A grade of framing lumber intended primarily for exposed use in housing and light construction where fine appearance is required; sound, tight knots are permitted.
Blow: A separation of a portion of veneers in a plywood panel, caused by a steam pocket that develops during the press process.
Board Foot: The basic unit of measurement for lumber. One board foot is equal to a 1-inch board, 12 inches in width and 12 inches in length. Thus, a 10 foot long, 1 inch thick and 12 inch wide piece would contain 10 board feet, as would a 10-foot 2x6. When calculating board feet, nominal sizes are assumed.
Bright: Unstained, fresh material, recently milled, free of discoloration.
Check: A lengthwise separation of the wood, normally occurring across or through the rings of annual growth and usually the result of seasoning.
Clear: Free or practically free of all blemishes, characteristics or defects.
Common: Lumber that is suitable for general construction and utility purposes.
Cull: Lumber of the lowest quality with little or no commercial value.
Dry: Seasoned, usually to a moisture content of 19% or less.
Economy: The lowest recognized grade in lumber. Economy permits serious defects in the lumber, including large knots and holes, unsound wood, splits, wane and others.
Fingerjoint: A method of joining two pieces of lumber end-to-end by sawing into the end of each piece a set of projecting "fingers" that interlock when the two pieces are pushed together, forming a strong glue joint.
Free of Heart Center (FOHC): Lumber sawn to exclude the pith or heart center of a log.
Glue Laminated (Glue Lam): A process in which individual pieces of lumber or veneer are bonded together with an adhesive to make a single piece with the grain of each running parallel to the grain of each of the other pieces.
Hardwood: A general term referring to any of a variety of broad leaved, deciduous trees and the wood from those trees. The term has nothing to do with the actual hardness of the wood; some hardwoods are softer than certain softwood species.
Kiln Dried: Lumber that has been seasoned in a kiln to a predetermined moisture content.
Ply: A single layer or sheet of veneer. One complete layer of veneer in a sheet of plywood.
Pressure Treating: A process of impregnating lumber or other wood products with various chemicals, such as preservatives and fire retardants, by forcing the chemicals into the structure of the wood using high pressure.
Reman: Remanufacture or remanufacturing; a process of converting a common product to a more specialized or higher grade product by further manufacturing.
Ruff Sawn: A designation for plywood paneling or siding which has been saw-textured to provide a decorative, rough sawn appearance.
Sanded: Plywood panels which have been processed through a machine sander to obtain a smooth surface on the outer plies; usually one side carries an A or B face.
Select: A high quality piece of lumber graded for appearance. Uses include interior and exterior trim and cabinetry.
Select Tite Kno4 (STK): A grade term often used for Cedar lumber. Lumber graded STK is selected from the mill run because of tight knots in each piece.
Softwood: A general term referring to any of a variety of trees having narrow, needlelike or scalelike leaves, general coniferous, and the wood from such trees. The term has nothing to do with the actual softness of the wood; some softwoods are harder than certain hardwood species.
Standard and Better (Std&Btr): Lumber containing a mixture of grades, the lowest of which is the Standard grade of light framing; the "and better" signifies that a portion of the lumber is of higher grade or grades. While Std&Btr is fully suitable for general construction purposes, the proportion of higher grades included is a factor in determining market value.
Stud Grade: Lumber of this grade has the strength and stiffness values that make it suitable for use in load baring walls.
T1-11 (plywood): A type of plywood siding, grooved to resemble lumber.
Tally: A numerical breakdown of the various lengths and/or sizes in a load of lumber. The price of a random length load is generally dependent on the tally, with those loads having a high proportion of the desired lengths bringing the higher price.
Utility: A grade of softwood lumber used when a combination of strength and economy is desired. It is suitable for many uses in construction, but lacks the strength of Standard, the next highest light framing grade, and may not be allowed for certain applications where high strength is required.
Utility and Better (Util&Btr): A mixture of light framing lumber grades with the lowest being Utility. The "and Better" signifies that some percentage of the mixture is of a higher grade than Utility (but not necessarily of the highest grade).
Veneer: Wood peeled, sawn or sliced in a given, constant thickness and used in the production of plywood. Plywood consists of two raw materials, glued and veneered.
Vertical grain (VG): Lumber that is sawn at approximately right angles to the annual growth rings so that the rings form an angle of 45 degrees or more with the surface of the piece.
Wane: Bark or lack of wood from any cause on the edge or corner of a piece of lumber.
Warp: Any variation from a true or plan surface, including bow, crook, cup or any combination of these.
White Speck: A fungus that develops in a living tree. It does not develop until after the tree has been harvested. Causes small white areas in the wood.
Planning and Designing Private Spa
A Platform for Luxury and Comfort
A deck or patio is an ideal spot to set up your spa/hot tub retreat. Whether you have an existing

A Room With A View
Professional landscaping around your spa can complete the transformation of your backyard into

Built-in planter boxes grouped in tiers are an effective way to create depth in areas of limited space. Hanging baskets offer a variety of elements like color, fragrance, texture and interest. If you have a wall, lattice or screen of any kind, hang several half baskets.
Patio coverings range from very simple to complex. You can create different environments by selecting a particular type of wood, posts and lattice design, sealant, stain or paint. The amount of sunlight and privacy can be controlled by how close the spacing of the lattice is. Growing flowering and fragrant vines on the covering produces a very cozy atmosphere.Privacy
Enclosing your spa with a decorative hot tub gazebo is a great way to enhance the sense of a getaway and increase privacy.
Sliding windows allow the option of an open-air feeling or privacy. They are also beneficial for year-round use. Pitched roofs keep the elements out of the hot tub. Combination roofs keep most of the snow out, but enable you to enjoy some of the outdoors.
Contact us now for Spa, Deck and Gazebo design and installation: 62-31-7002-4772, 62-81-830-5845, or email us: woodpro at rbh.co.id.
Personal Planthouse

Mengapa Personal Planthouse?
- Personal Greenhouse terbuat dari komponen yang berkualitas dan design yang fungsional.
- Rangka kayu Bangkirai yang atraktif dan kuat, juga punya sifat anti-serangga alami (rayap) dan tidak lapuk (tahan hingga 30 tahun hingga seumur hidup).
- Pilihan dinding Polikarbonat, tidak akan retak, melindungi dari curah hujan yang berlebihan, juga menahan sengatan matahari dan sinar UV-nya yang terkenal tidak bersahabat dengan tanaman hias.
- Konektor rangka yang menjamin kekuatan struktur greenhouse.
- Kapasitas wind load maksimum mencapai 70 km tanpa kerusakan. Dijamin!
- Kemiringan atap 45 derajat, mengurangi sengatan matahari yang berbahaya untuk
tanaman, juga memberi ruangan yang cukup lega untuk bisa menggantung tanaman-tanaman disana.
- Dilengkapi atap sirkulasi untuk pertukaran udara dingin dan panas, juga terdapat pilihan bila atap netting tanaman dibutuhkan.
- Lantai optional bisa mengunakan paving, semen cor atau, Bangkirai Decking WoodPro yang bisa menambah kesan "Wow" bagi tamu-tamu pengunjung Private Greenhouse rumah anda.
- Aksesori tambahan, meja dan kursi taman, deck di luar greenhouse.
Outdoor Project: Hachi Hachi Bistro
The area we are going to use is the walkway pavement of G-Walk Citra Raya, just right outside of Hachi-Hachi Bistro. Alfred is expanding his business, by going outdoor.
Property management did not allow us to level the pavement, it was a bit too steep to be able to lay a standard under-construction. Nevertheless, we need to adjust to the unleveled pavement and to ensure strength and durability, we did it with bangkirai
Meanwhile, in the factory, we are preparing a 2 x 8 meters seating booth, dining table and chair set, railing and planters. There were a few adjustments during pre-fabrication, the restaurant Alfred really care about the detail design and loved to get involve in the making of these items. We were very delightful with this great enthusiasm and worked the best way to fit his needs.
We delivered all pre-fabricated items and installed them right on the deck. Starting from the main structure which was the seating booth complete with roofing. Then the railing, planters and other accessories. Everything was completed in 5 working days.